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Release Notes & Updates

Dive into the latest Client Portal updates, designed to make conducting research more efficient and to improve your fielding experience 

Portal Updates

ECHO Ask Update - 4 Jul 24

What’s new?
ECHO Ask has been upgraded to include significant usability enhancements, offering improved performance for better chat responses.
This update is designed to provide you with better performance when using ECHO Ask, covering:
  • Enhanced Performance: Experience faster response times and more efficient processing of your requests.
  • Improved Consistency: Discover a consistent performance every time, ensuring you can get the best response from ECHO Ask.
  • Formatted responses: Gain more clarity in the format of ECHO Ask responses, for improved readability and onward analysis.
Who is this applicable to?
All contract customers who use ECHO Ask.

Contract Usage Reports - 3 Jun 24

What's new?

Previously, usage reports were emailed to customers monthly or quarterly. Now, admin users can download these reports directly from the customer portal.

Accessible from the navigation bar, all completed and active contracts will display in the 'Usage Reports' area, with reports for active contracts being refreshed on a daily basis.   


This feature provides admin users with real time information on contract usage:

  • Self-serve access: No more waiting for monthly or quarterly emails. Get the information you need right away.
  • Real-time visibility: See how many contract units have been used and how many are left - at any time.
  • Improved invoicing: Manage your reporting and invoicing - on your terms.

Who is this applicable to?

All contract customers. Your Customer Success representative will notify you when this feature has been enabled in your account.

Quote Library - 27 May 24

What's new?

Introducing Techspert's quote library!

We are excited to announce a new feature in the ECHO Ask UI: the ability to favorite and unfavorite paragraphs. With this new feature, you can:

  1. Save key quotes to the expert record in the completed connection page.
  2. Remove quotes from your saved collection as needed.
Saved quotes are organized in a new 'Saved Quotes' tab against each expert record, making it easy to manage and reference important insights.

This feature allows users to save key moments from calls into a quote library - which can be used as a powerful resource when:
  • Report writing.
  • Evidencing recommendations with expert testimony.
  • Conducting future secondary research.
By saving key moments from your calls, the quote library becomes a powerful, all-in-one resource for managing and utilizing expert insights.
Who is this applicable to?

All customers who run calls on Techspert Zoom lines.

ECHO Ask: Quote Validation And Playback - 07 May 24

What's new?

Our new ECHO Ask UI displays transcripts and call recordings side-by-side with the AI Assistant chat interface. 

When generating an answer that contains a citation, you can now click the citation and the transcript and audio files will instantly snap to that location. 

This allows you to instantly verify the quote's accuracy, and to ensure the context in which the quote came from is appropriate.  

In this release we have also refined and updated the example prompts, improving the quality of the answers generated. 


Speed up the time it takes to synthesize research and generate quotes.  

Who is this applicable to? 

All customers who run calls on Techspert Zoom lines.

Multi-Account Access - 05 Apr 24

What's new?

For users who work with multiple brands or restricted/isolated business units, you can now access multiple Client Portal instances through a single login. 


To allow users to access multiple Client Portal instances where projects span across accounts. 

Who is this applicable to?

All customers. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this on your account.  

ECHO Call Summary Improvements - 03 Apr 24

What's new?

ECHO Call Summaries are improving. From 3rd April, all call summaries will now be powered by a more advanced LLM, which will in turn improve the quality and level of detail of the summaries being generated.
We tested this by running a transcript through the current vs new model, the difference was significant.


Better quality summaries.

Who is this applicable to?

All customers who run calls on Techspert Zoom lines.

Zoom Co-Host Meeting Controls - 21 Mar 24

What's new?

All client users have now been granted co-host controls for meetings.  As co-host, you have the ability to admit and remove guests from a waiting room, rename attendees, and turn videos on/off. 


Better conference call experience, greater control over attendee anonymity. 

Who is this applicable to?

All customers who run calls on Techspert Zoom lines.

ECHO Ask: Techspert’s AI Assistant - 11 Mar 24

What's new?

Customers can harness the power of generative AI with our cutting edge AI assistant, integrated directly into your Techspert project portal. Powered by your completed call transcripts, it surfaces and synthesizes insights from your respondent groups, saving hours of time for its users.

Features include: 

  • Interactive Chat Interface - Engage in a dynamic conversation with your project data.
  • Instant Insights - Ask any question and receive answers derived directly from your transcripts - no hallucinations. 
  • Expert Quotes - Get evidence-backed points with direct quotes, complete with specific locations within the documents.
  • Comparative Analysis - Effortlessly compare responses across different expert records or respondent groups within a project.

Our customers spend significant amounts of time on low value, time intensive, manual tasks. ECHO Ask unlocks this time by eradicating these tasks, so it can be better spent on value creation. 

Who is this applicable to?

All customers who run calls on Techspert Zoom lines.

Screener Comparison - 06 Feb 24

What's new?

Previously, client portal users had to view screener responses one by one.  Now, our screener comparison tool allows customers to review and compare all completed screeners side by side.  This feature is accessible from a button in the client portal UI, by the main navigation bar.  

Presented in table view, customers are shown one tab per project segment. This accounts for the fact that screeners are typically unique per respondent group.  

N.B. experts who have requested anonymity are excluded from the screener comparison table.  


Save time reviewing screeners. View all expert screening information in one place. 

Who is this applicable to?

All customers.

'Near Pass' Experts - 08 Jan 24

What's new?

Now, experts who nearly pass a screener but fail on one or two questions, will be published to the customer portal for review.  These experts will be presented with a ‘near pass’ flag. 


In many instances, screener requirements loosen or change as fielding progresses. This near pass feature allows our customers to review profiles that closely fit the project criteria. It also gives greater visibility to trends on where experts are failing, and give a steer on where to potentially relax screener criteria to achieve fielding success. 

Who is this applicable to?

All customers.

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