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Techspert Sabbaticals: 4 weeks off after 4 years services

At Techspert, we believe that our greatest asset is our people, and we are committed to demonstrating our appreciation in meaningful ways. What better way to show this than by giving our team members the gift of time - paid time, to be exact! We're showcasing our sabbatical program, which offers employees one whole month after four years of working for Techspert to pursue their passions, recharge, or simply relax.

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join us as we share the inspiring stories of how Matt, Harri, and Rob spent their recent sabbaticals.

Rob Cassey - VP of Engineering

It's rare in the world of work to find the kind of environment that Techspert has. It's a given for most working people that they'd jump at the chance to go traveling, volunteer, or just sit around the house for four weeks. I'm admittedly biased, but between engaging work, a fun culture, and an excellent work-life balance, Techspert doesn't deliver the kind of grind where you end up barely dragging yourself past the finishing line each day. All that said, once you hit four years at Techspert, you will be rewarded with a 4-week sabbatical anyway. Few places need it less, but I'm not going to argue.

For me, my fourth anniversary at Techspert was in 2022. Coming out of Covid, this was the first opportunity I had to travel and the first time in my working life that I'd been able to travel for such an extended period. Anyone who's had to take an extended leave of absence knows the anxiety that's only natural when you're gone for that long. I was expecting anxiety, but the team didn't give any room for it to manifest. Everyone went out of their way to facilitate, and I've never de-coupled so completely from work. I knew things were in safe hands, and I'm pleased to say I didn't check Slack or my emails once.

So, I jumped on a plane and headed to America for the month. The first thing on the list was a visit to my family in California. My brother is a senior software engineer based out of Sacramento. Catching up with him and his growing family was a real treat. From California, I went rowing, cycling, swimming, climbing, and hiking. You name it, I did it. One of my early points of admiration for our founder, Dave Holden, has been his history of competing in triathlons. If this trip did nothing else for me, it proved just how much metal someone has to have to do one of those things.


Beyond California, I did all the touristy things in New York. I saw the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, then drove across the East Coast. I went to Comic-Con in Tampa (FL), saw the Kennedy Space Center, and ended the trip with a visit to the Everglades National Park. Since driving into Miami during rush hour, I can now emphatically state that few things leave me stressed anymore. If I can survive that, I can take on the world.

There's plenty to talk about from my trip, but suffice it to say that four weeks of uninterrupted travel are great for the soul. I returned on a flight to London from Florida, refreshed and with a renewed hatred for mosquitos.


Matt Magbanua - Project Team Lead

For my sabbatical, I went back to my home country of the Philippines for just over two weeks to visit family. As most of my Philippines trips go, I spent the majority of it seeing my relatives and stuffing myself with delicious food! 


Highlights included eating at a restaurant where the tables were in little huts out on the water and going for drinks at a speakeasy that you could only access through the back door of a real 7-11. 

It was great to have such an extended period of leave as it gave me the chance to go home for a nice long period but also still have days off before and after to give me the chance to fully recover and get back to work feeling fresh and ready to get stuck in!



Harri Lamden - Project Director

I'm finally settled back into work after an incredible month-long sabbatical! Way back in early June, I packed my bags, scooped up the dog (who's always keen for an adventure), and set off to explore the stunning countries of Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland. As a polyglot, I reveled in the opportunity to live life speaking French, German, and Flemish.

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It's fair to say that there was a good measure of chaos (have you ever driven on the Autobahn?! 🫣), curiosity, and a LOT of Käsespätzle.

Techspert support in granting me this sabbatical not only allowed me to recharge and explore but also showcased their commitment to employee growth and well-being. I return to work inspired, rejuvenated, and grateful for my colleagues' patience as they bring me up to speed on things! Prost!

Matt, Harri, and Rob's sabbatical experiences highlight Techspert's dedication to fostering a workplace culture that values personal growth and well-being. By providing our team with the opportunity to take extended leave, we empower them to return to work rejuvenated and inspired, ready to contribute with renewed energy and fresh perspectives. We're incredibly proud of the adventures they embarked on and look forward to supporting more journeys in the future.

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