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13 GenAI Prompts to Supercharge Your Healthcare Market Research

If you’ve ever felt like your market research transcripts are full to the brim with insights that take hours to manually unlock, you’re not alone. Buried within your expert interviews are the vital learnings that could guide your next big move - if only you could extract them efficiently.

In comes our top prompt list to help you spot emerging trends, distill complex opinions, and streamline your workflow, all while saving you time. In this article, we’ll dive into our top prompts designed specifically for healthcare and life sciences researchers to help you turn raw transcripts into actionable intelligence. Ready to unlock the full power of your research with ECHO Ask?

If you haven't already, check out our guide to Generative AI in healthcare and life science primary market research before getting stuck into the below, to ensure you've got all the tools in your arsenal to make the best use of these pompts. Without further ado, let's dive into our top 13 prompts, by use case (top tip: when you see '[]', replace those variables with the specific option that best fits your request, leaving only the relevant choice. This ensures the prompt is customized to your exact needs):

1. Quote Generation

Thoroughly analyze the uploaded transcript files and select a mix of noteworthy quotes on [QUOTE TOPIC] from each file. Provide the quotes along with their corresponding timecodes/locations within their respective documents.

2. Summarize Key Findings

Thoroughly analyze the uploaded transcript files and summarize the key themes discussed. The discussions entail similar questions asked across the files to various experts. Pay particular interest in the responses provided by experts, and identify instances of agreement, disagreement, as well as the frequency of similar or differing opinions. In your analysis, ensure that all files are reviewed make sure to include insights from all experts featured in the transcripts.

3. Create a slide deck

Create an engaging presentation deck outline based on the expert responses from all transcripts. Structure the presentation as follows:
1. Introduction (Why the Research Was Conducted): Begin with the purpose and context behind the research, highlighting the problem it addresses and the goals of the study.
2. Key Themes Across All Transcripts: Summarize the common themes and patterns that emerged across the entire research, providing a high-level overview.
3. Deep Dive Into Responses for Individual Questions: Present the insights and expert answers question-by-question, organized logically to build upon each theme.
4. Slide Structure and Flow Recommendations: Provide guidance on the ideal number of slides, including a suggested breakdown for each section:
Introductory slides
Thematic overview slides
Detailed analysis slides for each question
Conclusion and takeaways
For each slide, include a brief description of what content should be highlighted, visual recommendations, and tips for maintaining audience engagement.


4. Create a structured CSV 

Analyze the [transcript from the expert/s | transcript files of all experts] to identify key themes discussed, but do not disclose those themes yet.
CSV Structure: Create a CSV file where:
1. The first column is labeled [‘Expert Name’ | 'Expert Name' | 'Themes'].
2. [Follow this with one column for each identified key theme, ensuring the column headings accurately reflect the identified themes (e.g., 'Theme 1', 'Theme 2', etc.) | The following columns are dynamically labeled with the exact name or identifier of each expert from the transcripts provided. No alternative names or identifiers should be used for any expert]
3. Populate the CSV File [under each theme, provide concise, well-structured summaries of the expert’s insights related to that theme | Under each theme, provide concise and insightful summaries of the discussions from each expert, capturing the core points related to that theme].
Content for the CSV: For each theme, [provide concise, well-structured summaries of the expert’s insights related to that theme | include one verbatim quote from each expert relevant to that theme, ensuring the corresponding timestamp is appended at the end of each quote].
Ensure each summary is unique and captures the essence of the discussion | Ensure each summary is specific to the expert and theme | Each quote must be enclosed in double quotation marks to preserve CSV formatting and avoid issues with commas or other special characters].
CSV Formatting Requirements: The CSV must be correctly formatted with double quotation marks for any quotes. Do not use any other special characters that could disrupt the CSV structure.
Output Requirements: Share only the final, correctly formatted CSV file without any intermediate steps, reasoning, or explanations regarding how the CSV was generated. The output should be a ready-to-use, clean, and accurate CSV.


5. Identify Potential Future Trends

Thoroughly analyze the uploaded transcript files to identify and summarize any future trends as identified by the experts. Ensure that all provided files are reviewed, and include insights from all experts featured in the transcripts, if applicable. Support each identified trend with a relevant quote from the transcript, and provide citations for each quote along with the corresponding timestamp.

6. Transform content to make it more concise for key stakeholder distribution

Summarize the core insights from [EXPERT NAME/ALL EXPERTS] on the [RESEARCH THEME] in the fewest bullet points necessary to capture the essence, while preserving the overall sentiment. Ensure the summary includes both key points and any critical nuances or subtleties in [EXPERT NAME/ALL EXPERTS] perspectives


7. Sentiment Analysis

Conduct a sentiment analysis on the transcripts to evaluate the overall tone of expert opinions regarding [SPECFIC TOPIC]. Ensure the analysis identifies the sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative) and captures any notable shifts or patterns in sentiment across different experts.


8. Sentiment Change Over Time

Analyze and track the evolution of expert opinions across multiple interviews over time. Highlight any shifts in perspectives, including changes in sentiment, emerging trends, and evolving priorities or concerns.


9. Expert Opinion Analysis

Compare and contrast the perspectives of experts on [SPECIFIC TOPIC], emphasizing areas of consensus, points of divergence, and any unique or standout viewpoints. Ensure the analysis captures both common themes and distinct perspectives to provide a balanced and comprehensive overview.


10. Create an Executive Summary

Generate an executive summary of key findings from all interviews, prioritizing actionable insights and strategic recommendations for stakeholders in the healthcare and life sciences sector. Ensure the summary is concise, highlighting critical trends, opportunities, challenges, and any implications for decision-making.

11. Highlight Unmet Needs

Identify and summarize unmet needs or market gaps frequently discussed by experts in the transcripts. Focus on capturing recurring challenges, opportunities, and areas where current solutions fall short, providing a concise overview of the most critical issues highlighted.

12.  Data Representation Guidance

Based on the insights gathered, recommend effective data visualization methods (e.g., heatmaps, word clouds, thematic clusters) that would enhance the presentation and understanding of the findings for non-expert stakeholders. Ensure the suggestions align with the type of data, emphasize key takeaways, and make complex information more accessible.

13. Gap Analysis

Identify gaps in the research by analyzing recurring unanswered questions or underexplored topics mentioned across the transcripts. Focus on areas where experts expressed uncertainty, raised concerns, or highlighted the need for further investigation, providing a concise overview of the most critical research gaps


The Future of Market Research is Now

Primary market research is only as valuable as the insights you draw from it. With these these targeted prompts, you can transform your transcripts into valuable insight when matched with the right AI research assistant. Regain your time to focus on strategic decisions, with peace of mind that your data is secure.

If you’re ready to elevate your market research and make the most out of your data, then kick off a project with us and see how our ECHO Ask AI Research Assistant can help you quickly turn conversations into actionable outcomes, today. 

Ready to take your market research to the next level? Start a project and try ECHO Ask today

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